Who We Are » Abigail Knubley

Abigail Knubley

Law Student

PhilosophyIn a word: Justice

Abigail is a second year law student who assists the firm with legal research, training initiatives and policy development. She loves the firm’s focus on creating psychologically safe and inclusive workplaces.

B.A. Hons. Media, Information, and Techno-culture: Western University
J.D. Osgoode Hall Law School (current)

An interesting tidbit

Abigail went waterfall jumping while in the Dominican Republic. She screamed the entire time. And while she may never do that again, she still lives by the motto: “if you can’t beat fear, just do it scared.”


Abigail has always been interested in social justice. She is passionate about using her privilege to amplify the voices of others, and she is currently pursuing a legal education with the goal of addressing some of the barriers which prevent people from achieving access to justice. Abigail believes empathy is vital in understanding and respecting the lived experiences of others, and she looks forward to always improving and continuing her education.



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