Who We Are » Natasha Savoline

Natasha Savoline



    • Workplace investigations
    • Positive and respectful workplace training
    • Workplace remediation and sensitivity training
    • Creating psychologically safe and inclusive workplaces
    • HR management advisory services, such as performance management, discipline and termination
    • Severance package negotiations

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PhilosophyIn a word: Possibilities

Natasha’s passion for fairness and creating positive and respectful workplaces informs her work as an experienced workplace investigator in areas such as harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, violence and code of conduct violations. She also helps repair workplace relationships post-investigation.

Natasha believes that knowledge is powerful. By giving people the information they need to understand and successfully manage workplace issues, positive changes can happen and many problems can be averted. The greatest investment in any organization is its people.

Natasha helps employers and employees solve the issues they are facing and become better prepared for those that might come their way.

B.A. Hons. Labour Studies: McMaster University, LL.B: Queen’s University, practicing law since 2003


Natasha’s expertise has been quoted in The Lawyer’s Daily. Natasha has also co-authored several texts including the Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference, 2009, Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference, 2010 and the McGraw-Hill Irwin Human Resource Management textbook (2011). Natasha is a facilitator of the HRPA Workplace Investigations Training & Certificate Program. She is also a frequent speaker for the Ontario Municipal Human Resource Association.


At four, Natasha lined up the neighbourhood kids and charged them each a nickel for the privilege of seeing her pet rabbit. At nine, she announced she was going to own, not a store, but an entire mall. At 13, she packed her bags determined to strike out on her own (quickly realizing life at home was pretty good). That early entrepreneurial spirit and passion for what she believes caused those around her to proclaim, “you should be a lawyer.”

An interesting tidbit

Natasha grew up with a member of a famous rock band; the grandson of a legendary Toronto Maple Leaf; and the cousin of the greatest NHL player ever. She also went to the same high school as a famous movie actor.



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From Mistletoe Mishaps to Festive Faux Pas: How to Keep it Classy at the Office Party

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