Who We Are » Sreya Roy

Sreya Roy

Lawyer & Workplace Investigator


    • HR advisory services, including performance management, discipline and termination
    • Wrongful dismissal litigation
    • Human rights
    • Occupational health and safety
    • Respect in the workplace training
    • Inclusiveness/sensitivity training

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PhilosophyIn a word:

Sreya’s involvement with various not-for-profit organizations aimed at supporting marginalized members of our communities, has tremendously influenced her goal to help create safe, healthy, yet efficient workplaces. Her approach is deeply grounded in promoting inclusiveness and respect at work.

Sreya’s background in social justice, along with her approachable disposition, helps her relate easily to others, and empower her clients to create workplaces that are compliant with their legal (and ethical) obligations.

B.A. Hons. Criminology: Carlton University, M.A. Legal Studies: Carleton University, J.D. University of Windsor, practicing law since 2015


Prior to her legal career, Sreya worked with various non-profit organizations and provided anti-violence, anti-oppression, and inclusivity training.

As a Program Coordinator for the “No Means No” program at LEAF Windsor, she frequently delivered presentations to young adults about consent and sexual violence. She thoroughly enjoyed training other trainers to deliver effective and informative presentations about sexual violence in our communities.


Before going to law school, Sreya earned a Master of Arts in legal studies and gained experience working in the non-profit sector, including as a Community Developer, Project Coordinator for an organization aimed at supporting victims of human trafficking, and as a support worker at a Sexual Assault Support Centre. Her passion for helping people is what attracted her to labour and employment law.

An interesting tidbit

Sreya recently discovered her love for whitewater rafting and canyoning. The fact that she does not know how to swim may have crossed her mind a couple of times as she rappelled down a 200-foot waterfall in a tropical rain forest.

Swimming lessons rank very high on Sreya’s ‘to-do list’.



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