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Our training programs help to create psychologically safe workplaces.


Workplace Investigations Training and Certificate Program (HRPA)


The Workplace Investigations Training & Certificate Program is an in-depth program that effectively equips participants with the ability to recognize, investigate and report the findings of complex workplace investigations.Learn more



The Inclusive Workplace Series – Module 8: Religious Literacy and the Welcoming Workplace (Bernardi Centre)


Religion can be an uncomfortable or sometimes even a taboo topic. In this talk, we explore the cost this silence can impose on staff and how certain cultural lenses can distort our ability to see one another clearly. We will make the case for religious literacy’s value both personally and professionally while discussing practical steps […]


Workplace Investigations Training and Certificate Program (HRPA)


The Workplace Investigations Training & Certificate Program is an in-depth program that effectively equips participants with the ability to recognize, investigate and report the findings of complex workplace investigations.Learn more



Advanced Credibility Assessments: Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Workplace Investigations (HRPA)


Assessing parties’ and witnesses’ credibility is one of the most challenging parts of workplace investigations. But it's an essential skill for your investigations to be robust and legally defensible. In this advanced workshop, our expert investigators will equip you with the skills to assess credibility and reliability effectively. Among other topics, we will discuss (and […]


Workplace Investigations Training and Certificate Program (HRPA)


The Workplace Investigations Training & Certificate Program is an in-depth program that effectively equips participants with the ability to recognize, investigate and report the findings of complex workplace investigations.Learn more



Advanced Report Writing for Workplace Investigations (HRPA)


Completing a workplace investigation is only the first step. Communicating your findings in a report is also essential. Many internal decision-makers and stakeholders rely on your reports, while parties, unions, judges and arbitrators may scrutinize them. The report needs to be neutral, concise and legally defensible, but also engaging, practical, and clearly communicating your intended […]
